Day 15: John The Baptist

John 1:23 (NIV) 23 “John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord”.


John the Baptist is a key figure in Christianity. He wasn't famous for wanting to be great, but because he did what God wanted him to do with a humble heart. His life teaches us important lessons.

Being Humble in What We Do: John knew he wasn't the Messiah. He was just preparing the way for someone greater. Like John, we should remember our place in God’s big plan. It's more about showing others Jesus, not about us getting attention.

Staying Strong in Our Beliefs: John told people to say sorry for their sins and get baptised. Some didn't like this, but he didn't give up. We should also keep sharing our faith, even when it’s hard.

Living Simply and Staying Focused: John lived a simple life. He didn't go after things that made him comfortable, but stayed focused on his mission. This teaches us to care more about our spiritual work than getting lots of stuff.

Being Happy for Others: John said, “Jesus must become more important, while I become less important” (John 3:30). Even when Jesus became more popular, John was happy. We should also find joy when Jesus is loved and honoured, not just when we get praise.

Following God to the End: John’s work ended with him dying for what he believed. He stayed true to God until the end. This shows us that following Jesus can be tough, but we should keep going.


Father in Heaven, grant me the humility of John the Baptist. Help me to embrace my role in Your story with courage and faithfulness. Strengthen me to share Your gospel boldly and to rejoice in Your glory above all. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Action Step

Reflect on your role in God's plan. Are there areas in your ministry or personal life where you can more effectively serve Him? Pray for guidance and opportunities to expand your impact for the Kingdom.
